This is J my 18 year old teenage customer he suffers with eczema and is happy for us to follow him on his journey, with our natural skincare range of eczema and psoriasis relief products. J's skin goals like everyone is healthy glowing skin. This is the 1st week of his journey his skin is prone to breakouts and dryness. Which leads to him itching his skin and leaving server scarring. J is using our Sheapureness Pumpkin soap, Kinkeliba tea lotion for his face and Dandelion, oats and shea body butter for his skin. As he has eczema on his arms and legs. We will keep you posted on J's Sheapureness natural skincare journey weekly.
Sheapureness pumpkin soap was created for extremely dry skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Pumpkin seed are high in zinc, selenium, and essential fatty acids, among many other healthy vitamins and minerals that keep our skin looking the best it can. Vitamin E is also present in pumpkin seeds and acts as an antioxidant. It is also directly related to aiding skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. We also like to grow our own organic pumpkins to use in our soap. We use a blend of oils that will nourish, moisturize, hydrate, relief, heal and support healthy glowing skin. 85% Organic 95% Natural. Kinkeliba tea we all know how powerful green tea is. But are you aware that there is a kind of tea that West Africans regard as more potent than green tea? It’s called kinkeliba tea. It has numerous benefits for health which I would urge you to research. In this case we have used the tea to formulate a lotion which is amazing for skin eczema and psoriasis and dry skin conditions. This West African herbal tea is well-known for its ability to deal with acne, eczema and many other skin issues. Kinkeliba tea may also be used for rinsing the scalp and hair to accelerate hair growth as well as to ward off hair fall and brittleness. Stay tuned to see how long it takes for J to reach his skin goal success. #eczema #psoriasis #relief #pumpkin #soap #chemical #free #nontoxic #skin #goals #allskintypes #natural #skincare #moisture #teenager #kinkeliba